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Application of Augmented Reality (AR) in Infrastructure Structure

Every sector in the world is adopting multiple new technologies to improve their efficiency. It can be improved in various ways like reduction in delivery timeline, reduction in errors, cost reduction, easy decision making and etc. Augment reality is one of the unique technologies in the current scenario which can give solution to all the above-mentioned efficiency factors. Customers in infrastructure sector (Architecture and construction to be specific) are facing these problems mostly cost and timeline overrun frequently, so AR technology can be the game changer and will be next big thing in the sector.

From architecture point of view, it is always difficult to design after adopting all the requirements and next is convincing them. This happens due to the communication gap between architect and the customer, gap is in terms of the difference in visualisation of the future project. Which leads to delay in decision making, micro errors in the design, delay in timeline, error in estimation (in coordination with Civil engineer) and sometimes customer dissatisfaction.

From construction point of view, looking at the magnitude of the work, it is very difficult to build an error free structure by just looking into a drawing. It is not possible to have all the stakeholders like architect, site engineer, project manager etc. at the same time. These problems lead to timeline overrun and obviously cost overrun.

So, every department in the sector has their own inefficiencies and the solution to them is the AR technology. It will help architect to communicate easily to the customer through on-site AR visualisation, at the same micro errors can be eliminated through detailed visualisation. In the construction sector effective design at architect level and detailed visualisation before execution will remove the errors up to a certain extent. Through video calls each and every stakeholder can provide solution to the on-site problems in the real time environment.

Advantages of Using AR:

  • Enhanced stakeholder communication
  • Speed of decision making
  • Error elimination
  • Cost reduction
  • Timely delivery

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